Friday, January 24, 2014

[Pagan Blog Project 2014] B is for Brigid

I guess I should start by saying how I'm utterly confused at what is the "proper" spelling of Brigid's name. I've seen her name spelled the following: Brigit, Brighid, BrĂ­g, Bride. I tried once to figure out which was what in what language, but it seems the spelling is everywhere. Or, at least, I don't have enough etymology and resources to properly discern which is properly Gaelic and which is British and so forth. 

But anyway. Im going to stick to spelling her name as Brigid.
If you want to know more about Brigid, check out Mary Jones' Encyclopedia Entry: Brigit. As for this entry, I'm going to share my experiences with her. (Needless to say, this will all be UPG.)

I first met Brigid when I started my path on Neopaganism. In the Wiccan 101 Book I had, I was told I should find a God and a Goddess. So, I picked from a plug-and-pray list Lugh and Brigid. The ritual actually went really well. Looking back, I think Lugh saw promise in me, since He didn't seem so put off at how insanely offensive the ritual was. But the ritual was asking them both for help with my mental illness. Meanwhile, Brigid was very pleasant too. Very welcoming, but I think she saw that Lugh wanted to help me.

I didn't really talk to her after that until I celebrated the NeoWiccan-Imbolc at the Wiccan Coven in Philly. We did a guided meditation to see Brigid. She was(is?) gorgeous. I don't recall exactly if she said anything more to me, but seemed pleased to see me. 

Fast forward to last summer when I got my wisdom teeth removed. I did a prayer and spell that asked for Brigid's and Lugh's aid in the surgery and recovery. The next day when I was about to be put asleep, I sensed Brigid's presenced in the surgery room. I realized later that was really nice of her, considering that I hadn't prayed to her regularly as I did with Lugh.

So when I looked at Gaol Naofa's Morning Devotion, and noticed that prayers to Brigid were very imbedded in the prayers. After some contemplation, I kept it in and decided to make a space for Brigid on my shrine. When I invited her, she did ask for a certain offering: the pearl necklace my grandma gave me. I wasn't wearing them, so I now have them on her part of shrine. I also made her a candle holder out of a garlic jar (seemed only fair since Lugh has his own candle holder too.)

I've come to this understanding that Brigid seems to be very hospitable to whomever comes to her, whenever that is. Devotee or not. Thinking on it now, it might be connected to how she is associated with the hearth and therefore also with hospitality. I also hold the belief that Saint Brigid and the Goddess Brigid are the same entity, but I also don't think that Brigid minds being called a Saint and prayed to in that way. Nor do I think she minds when NeoWiccans ask her for help. She just seems to like to help people, be there for them, and welcome them no matter what. I'm sure she has her limits, but I haven't met them yet.

With Imbolc coming up, I look forward to again celebrating her and giving her homage. Chalice has a wonderful Gaelic-inspired ritual that is going to be about giving Brigid thanks and asking for her blessings. This time as I celebrate her on her festival, I will be a Gaelic Polytheist and not someone who showed up to a NeoWiccan gathering. 


  1. "I've come to this understanding that Brigid seems to be very hospitable to whomever comes to her, whenever that is. Devotee or not. Thinking on it now, it might be connected to how she is associated with the hearth and therefore also with hospitality."

    Yes, yes, yes. In my experience, she has been a welcoming one. I feel a warm, peaceful, creative energy when I work with her. I'm so looking forward to sharing our experiences with her at Imbolc!

  2. I also like your words about Brigid's hospitality, especially as I'm just getting to know her. Thanks for sharing your experiences with and offerings to her.

    I had not considered turning to her for help with real (as opposed to metaphoric or spiritual) illness, so I appreciate your post about that, too.

    1. No problem :] I'm glad you found this informational!
